บทสรุปการสนับสนุนของสหประชาชาติฉบับใหม่เกี่ยวกับการประกันความปลอดภัยและสิทธิสำหรับเด็กพลัดถิ่น| NEW UN ADVOCACY BRIEF ON ENSURING SAFETY AND RIGHTS FOR DISPLACED CHILDREN

Major UN agencies have come together to develop an advocacy brief that reflects on lessons from recent crises worldwide and outlines principles to guide action and policy to better protect displaced children.

The advocacy brief proposes policy actions to enable the effective protection of children:

  • Provide accessible, quality child protection
  • Empower women and girls with opportunities and skills
  • Provide economic support to families and communities, reducing the risk of children having to resort to child labour or child marriage
  • Make schools safe places for children, no matter where they come from

Read more: https://www.end-violence.org/articles/new-un-advocacy-brief-ensuring-safety-and-rights-displaced-children

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