Cultural values, parenting and child adjustment in Thailand


The purpose of this study was to understand the associations of Thai parents’ cultural values (i.e., individualism, collectivism and conformity) with parenting behavior (i.e., warmth, autonomy granting, rules/limit-setting, knowledge solicitation and expectations regarding children’s family obligations) and children’s adjustment (i.e., internalizing and externalizing problems). These data were collected via child, mother and father reports when the children were 10 years old, on average. Mothers’ individualism was correlated with more parental autonomy granted. Fathers’ individualism was correlated with higher maternal expectations regarding children’s family obligations. Parents’ higher collectivism was correlated more with parental warmth. Mothers’ higher collectivism was also correlated with more parental knowledge solicitation, and fathers’ higher collectivism was also associated with mothers’ and fathers’ higher expectations regarding children’s family obligations. Fathers’ higher conformity values were correlated with more parental autonomy granting and with fewer child internalizing and externalizing behaviors. However, after controlling for child gender, parent education and the other cultural values, mothers’ and fathers’ collectivism remained the only significant cultural value predicting parenting behaviors. Results advance understanding of relations between cultural values of Thai mothers and fathers and their parenting behaviors and children’s adjustment.

Keywords: Cultural values, Parenting, Child adjustment, Thailand

Authors: Daranee Junla and Saengduean Yotanyamaneewong

Method: Qualitative

Journal: International Journal of Psychology

Year: 2024

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